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Cops hunt Minuwandoda Triple Murder Main Suspect : Public assistance requested - - Sri Lanka - city Sanjeewa
Cops hunt Minuwandoda Triple Murder Main Suspect : Public assistance requested
COLOMBO (News 1st)- Sri Lanka Police is seeking public assistance to locate and arrest the main suspect responsible for the brutal triple murder in Minuwangoda on 6th October 2022.Police said the suspects is currently in hiding, and his details are as follows:Name: Jayagodage Sanjeewa Don Sanjeewa Lakmal Age: 39 years NIC: 833214292 V Address: 10, Mahindarama Road, Sri Jayawardenapura KotteSri Lanka Police is requesting the public with any available information to contact the following the numbers:SSP Gampaha: 0718 591 608 ASP Gampaha: 0718 591 610 OIC Minuwangoda: 0718 591 612Minuwangoda Triple Murder:A triple homicide was reported from the Minuwangoda on the 6th of October 2022, and reports suggested that these murders are linked to an incident involving a kite and a argument between two boys dating back to 2017.A 51-year-old man and his two sons 23-years-old, and 24-year-old were brutally murdered adding more bodies to a string of murders.Multiple shooters had visited their residence on a motorcycle, and a car and carried out the murder.Unconfirmed reports said that the shooters were impersonating law enforcement personnel, and T-56 assault rifles were used for the murder.The shooters have chased away the mother and sister of the two young men out of the house before carrying out the shooting. 51-year-old Pushpakumara Silva alias Ralahamy died upon admission to the hospital, and his two sons 23-year-old Roshan Maduwanta and 24-year-old Suresh Jeewantha died on the spot.Sri Lanka Police and neighbours revealed to News 1st that a dispute incident involving a kite and a argument between two boys dating back to 2017.The 1st & 2nd Murders:On the 25th of August 2017, a young man was flying a kite in a field in Minuwangdoa